The hack is perfect, the aimbot is targeting correctly in various characters, and Cassie my favorite, the only problem is that it Ult turned useless, since every time I can see my enemies .. well, thinking well this is not a problem.

Aimbot: 10/10
10/10 is the limit or can i vote 11/10?
Tips: Don't use with Cassie, Androxus, Drogoz, Viktor ou Ying when I'm on the enemy team, cause this heros make a perfect combo with the Aim, and i don't wanna lose

ESP: 10/10
Works amazing on every hero in every map.
If you want to play better, enable just that and the radar, you can kill enemies easy.

I like the Crosshair, helpfull to test the Recoil of guns.
The anothers functions are useless (except FPS) but i know... this section is an extra, só i can't complain

Simple, Clean and Usefull. I like it